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Adolescents and Youth

Adolescents and Youth

Adolescents and Youth

In Timor-Leste, 74% of the population is under the age of 35 and there are not enough formal jobs to respond to the large number of people entering the labour market.

Appropriate policies and behavioral changes can ensure that this population bulge creates a favourable population structure for Timor-Leste to achieve a real demographic dividend.

UNFPA is focused on empowering young people through knowledge and access to comprehensive sexuality education by offering the following:

  • Technical support to the government in the implementation of the National Youth Policy
  • Collaboration with the Secretary of State of Youth and Sports in the development and implementation of comprehensive sexuality education programs at the community and school levels in accordance with international standards that promote human rights and gender equality targeting pre-secondary and secondary students.
  • Sharing information about SRHR and increasing the use of sexual and reproductive health services through the creation of adolescent and youth friendly health spaces.

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