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Terms of Reference – Individual International consultant for Youth programme

Terms of Reference – Individual International consultant for Youth programme


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Terms of Reference – Individual International consultant for Youth programme

Hiring office

UNFPA Timor-Leste

Purpose of internship

To support the Youth programme of UNFPA and the UN YRG in its inter-agency activities and reporting

Organizational Setting

The Consultant will be under the supervision of the Assistant Country Representative, and the technical supervision of the Youth Specialist. S/he will be based in the UNFPA Timor-Leste head office in Dili


The 2015-19 UNDAF notes that the full potential and wellbeing of Timor-Leste can only be realized by continuously addressing the persisting and emerging challenges affecting youth. In alignment with the Government priorities, in the period 2015-2019, the UN will support the policy and development initiatives with direct or inclusive targets on youth in the areas of health, education, economic development, migration, labor and employment, and gender. With this objective in mind, more than ten UN agencies, Funds and Programmes present in Timor-Leste work together, supporting numerous national counterparts, local and international NGOs.

Under the 3rd Country Programme (2015-2019), UNFPA covers four prongs of UNFPA’s global Adolescent and Youth Strategy on reproductive health, sex education, youth policies and evidence on youth.

In addition, UNFPA is the Chair of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Youth (called the Youth Results Group – YRG). As such, it works for coordination of all agencies intervention’s and supports joint programming for youth.

Finally, UNFPA is leading a joint programme on Leaving no Youth Behind, together with UN Women and the Human Rights’ Adviser’s Unit. The project aims at identifying vulnerable youth group and publishing policy briefs on each.

Scope of work

The Consultant’s role is to support the Youth Programme, especially in its inter-agency coordination activities and reporting

Specific tasks:

·       Support to the YRG Secretariat:

-    Organizing regular YRG meetings, developing the agenda, writing minutes, following up on past meeting’s commitments, following up on agencies’ participation, supporting the development of the Knowledge Management Platform (including by collecting relevant material to be uploaded), keeping track of agencies’ projects plans (activity tracker).

-    Supporting the YRG joint reporting with the 2017 workplan matrix report as well as drafting a 2017 UN Youth activities report.

-    Support the negotiations of the UN with the new SSYL institution: logistical support to organize meeting, gather supportive documentation, writing minutes, drafting communication piece about the meeting.

·         Support the Leaving no Youth left Behind project:

-    Follow up with implementing partners for quality policy briefs, following up on feedback given, review documents, research good practices, inputs in policy recommendations

-    Participate in the advocacy workshop in December: follow up on the logistical arrangements, make sure participation is maximum, follow discussions and feedback, document the event and write a communication piece on the workshop.

Duration of contract and working schedule

from 16 November to 22 December 2017

Duty station (place where services are to be delivered)

UNFPA country office in Dili

Monitoring and progress control, incl. reporting requirements and deadline

The Consultant will be required to write the 2017 UN report on Youth activities, YRG meeting minutes, communication pieces on official meetings and workshops as well as a personal final progress report on his various tasks.

Supervisory arrangements

The Consultant will be supervised by the UNFPA Assistant Country Representative, in close coordination with the Youth Specialist.

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, incl. language requirements

·   A Bachelor degree in social science, international studies, development studies, public health and/or other related disciplines.

·   At least 6 months of professional work experience, preferably in international development.

·   Previous experience working for the UN, especially in a developing country; would be an advantage.

·   Knowledge of the UN System in Timor-Leste is an added advantage. Previous knowledge of the youth sector in Timor-Leste is an asset.

·   Fluency in written and spoken English are required; basic knowledge of Tetun would be preferable.

·   Soft skills required:

-          Good communication skills

-          Adaptation skills

-          Team player

-          Cultural sensitivity

-          Eager to learn

-          Belief in the values of the UN

Inputs/ services to be provided by host agency

The Consultant will be provided by UNFPA with a work station during the contract period and a computer.

Other relevant information

The Consultant will work in close collaboration with the UN Inter-agency Youth Results Group and all its agencies’ Focal Points, under the co-chairmanship of UNFPA and UNICEF.


Candidates are expected to send their CV, P11 and application letter to jossoares@unfpa.org and submit your application on this link: http://www.unfpa.org/unfpa-consultant-roster, Closing date: 10 November 2017.



Date : 6 November 2017


Signature of Requesting Officer in Hiring Office