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Request for Quotation

Request for Quotation


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This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted company or institutions, (local and international company) operated in Timor Leste that can provide 1unit Car to UNFPA Office in Timor Leste at UN House, Caicoli Street, Dili and have legal capacity to perform the product supply in   the country or through an authorized representative in Timor Leste.

UNFPA is the lead UN agency that expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy sexual and reproductive lives. To read more about UNFPA, please go to: UNFPA about us,

Details of the required quotation forms could be obtained from UNFPA Office, UN House, Caicoli Street, Dili, Timor – Leste. Contact person Mr. Alcino Fernandes, phone number +67078186506


If you are interested, you have to collect the RFQ form at UNFPA Office to fill and send your Quotation in email or in sealed envelope to Mr. Alcino Fernandes, Program Assistant for Logistics and Procurement before or no later than 16.00 hours on 26th October 2020. The email to submit RFQ UNFPA/TLS/RFQ/2020/009 is (timor-leste.office@unfpa.org).