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Statement of UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, On the occasion of Human Rights Day 10 December 2015

Statement of UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, On the occasion of Human Rights Day 10 December 2015


Statement of UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, On the occasion of Human Rights Day 10 December 2015

calendar_today 10 December 2015

Our rights. Our freedoms. Always

Statement of UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin,

On the occasion of Human Rights Day

10 December 2015


Today, we mark the launch of a year-long campaign for the 50th anniversary of two landmark international treaties. Together, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights have shaped the integral and indivisible nature of the international human rights framework.

These two Covenants, along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, became the International Bill of Human Rights, setting out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights obligations that are inherent to all human beings and equally relevant for a life of dignity and well-being.

These documents have inspired national constitutions and laws; they have given hope and legitimacy to social movements; they have led states to come together to define concrete actions for a better world and peaceful societies.

The International Conference on Population and Development was one of those important milestones that brought the human rights standards and principles into concrete action. More recently, the 2030 Development Agenda has articulated clear linkages between sustainable development goals and human rights.

Today is a day to celebrate, but also a day to give a voice to the women, girls, men and boys who claim their human rights, including their right to sexual and reproductive health, as an indivisible component of the International Bill of Human Rights.

The International Bill of Human Rights has provided women and girls with a legal claim to demand access to quality sexual and reproductive health services. It has given adolescent boys and girls a claim to enjoy an education that promotes gender equality and provides objective and scientifically accurate information around sexuality and reproduction. It has given women from rural areas living in poverty a claim to be free from cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, such as forced sterilization. It has given pregnant women a claim to demand their right to privacy and freedom from discrimination, disrespect and abuse when giving birth in a health centre. It has given a young girl suffering from fistula a claim to fight against stigma and social neglect. It gives all of us the right to an effective remedy when our rights and freedoms are violated.


The four freedoms that underpin the International Bill of Human Rights - freedom from fear, freedom of speech, freedom of worship and freedom from want - are directlyrelevant to the realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

All too often, the most disenfranchised persons in society are unable to enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights. The ability of women, adolescents, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities or persons of diverse sexual expressions to speak up and to be free from fear and from want is often curtailed by discriminatory cultural or social norms.

For that reason, the international human rights framework has continued to be enriched over the last 50 years with other core instruments that provide special protections to the most disenfranchised to ensure that nobody is left behind in the quest for a life of dignity and worth.

This vision is not new. It is a founding principle of the United Nations, whose 70th anniversary we recently celebrated.

Today, let us honour International Human Rights Day by demanding that all nations live up to that vision.


Ita nia direitus. Ita nia Liberdade. Sempre.


Deklarasaun husi Direitor Ezekutivu UNFPA, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin

ba okaziaun Loron Direitus Humanus

10 Dezembru 2015

Loron ohin, ita marka lansamentu kampanya durante tinan ida hodi komemora loron aniversariu ba dala 50 husi agrementu international rua. Agrementu Internasional kona ba Direitus Ekonomia, Sosial no Kultura noAgrementu International kona ba Direitus Sivil no Politika kontribui ona ba natureza nebe integradu no la separadu husi enkuadramentu Internasional ba Direitus Humanus.

Agrementu rua nee, hamutuk ho Deklarasaun Universal ba Direitus Humanus, sai hanesan Bill International ba Direitus Humanus, hatur tiha ona direitus sivil, politika, ekonomia, sosial no kultura nebe mak iha ema humanu idak-idak no relevante ba dignidade moris no moris diak nian.

Dokumentus hirak nee fo inspisaun ba konsituisaun no lei nasional sira; sira mos fo esperansa no legitimidade ba movimentu sosial; sira mos lori nasaun sira mai hamutuk hodi difini aksaun konkretu ba mundu nebe diak  no sosiadade nebe mak iha paz.

Konferensia Internasional kona ba Populasaun no Dezenvolvimentu mak pontus ida importante nebe lori standar direitus humanus no prinsipus sira ba aksaun konkreta. Foin lalasi, Agenda Dezenvolvimentu 2030 fo artikulasaun klaru kona ba ligasaun entre metas dezenvolvimentu sustentabel no direitus humanus.

Loron ohin mak loron nebe atu selebra, maibe sai mos loron ida atu koalia kona ba feto, labarik feto, mane no labarik mane sira nebe mak reklama sira nia direitus humanus, inklui sira nia direitus ba saude seksual no reproduktiva, nebe mak sai hanesan kompenente nebe labele haketak husi Internasional Bill ba Direitus Humanus.

Internasional Bill ba Direitus Humanus fo ona ba feto no labarik sira reklamasaun ba asesu ba kualidade servisu sira saude seksual no reproduktiva. Ida nee mos fornese ba jovem mane no feto sira atu reklama kona ba goza edukasaun nebe promove igualdade jeneru no fornese objektivus no informasaun sientifikamente nebe akuradu kona ba seksualidade no reproduksaun. Ida nee mos fornese feto sira iha area rurais nebe moris iha kiak atu reklama kona ba livre husi hahalok aat, inhumanidade no tratamentu ladiak, hanesan halo sterilizasaun obrigatoriu. Ida nee mos fornese feto isin rua sira atu reklama kona ba sira nia direitus ba privasidade no liberdade husi diskriminasaun, la respeitu no abuzu bainhira partus iha fasilidade saude. Ida nee mos fornese jovem feto sira nebe sofre fistula atu reklama atu luta hasoru stigma no neglezensia. Ida nee mos fo mai ita hotu kuidadus nebe efektivu bainhira ita nia direitus no liberdade sira hetan violasasaun.

Liberdade haat nebe mak suporta International Bill ba Direitus Humanus mak liberdade husi tauk, liberdade atu koalia, liberdade ba relijiaun/reza no liberdade husi hakarak rasik-relevante ho realizasaun ba direitus saude seksual no reproduktiva.

Dalabarak buat hotu nee, ema sira nebe lakon sira nia direitus iha sosiadade labele goza sira nia direitus ba saude seksual no reproduktiva. Abilidade husi feto sira, jovem, komunidade lia nain, ema nebe ho dizabilidade ka ema sira nebe ho espresaun seksual oi-oin atu koalia no atu livre husi tauk no saida mak sira hakarak dalabarak limita tiha ho normas sira kultura ka diskriminasaun sosial.

Ho razaun ida nee, enkuadramentu Internasional ba Direitus Humanus kontinua hadia ho intrumentus prinsipal durante tinan 50 ho instrument prinsipal sira seluk nebe fornese proteksaun spesial ba ema sira nebe mak lakon sira nia direitus atu garantia katak laiha ema ida husik iha kotuk husi esforsu sira ba moris dignidade no ho valor.

Vizaun ida nee laos foun. Ida nee mak prinsipiu husi Nasoens Unidas, nebe selebra aniversariu ba 70 nebe ita selebra foin lalais nee.

Loron ohin, mai ita fo honra ba Loron Internasional ba Direitus Huamnus liu husi husi nasaun hotu atu hamoris vizaun ida nee.


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