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The State of World Population 2018

The State of World Population 2018


The State of World Population 2018

calendar_today 17 October 2018

SWOP 2018: The power of Choice



Situasaun Populasaun Mundiál 2018

Kbiit atu hili, numeru, tempu no espasu entre oan bele hasa’e dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku no sosial, relatoriu foun UNFPA hatudu.

Nasoins Unidas, Nova Iorke, 17 Outubru 2018 – Tendensia global atu iha familia ho numeru kiik hanesan reflesaun ida kona ba ema halo opsaun atu iha oan oitoan ka barak tuir sira nia hakarak. Wainhira ema menus opsaun, ida ne’e iha impaktu tempu naruk ba taxa fertilidade. Dalabarak halo sira (taxa fertilidade) aas liu ka menus liu duke saida mak ema hakarak tuir Estadu Populasaun Mundial 2018 ne’ebe publika ohin hosi UNFPA, Agensia Nasoins Unidas nian ba seksual no Saude Reprodutiva.

Numeru familia iha ligasaun ho direitu reprodutiva ne’ebe tuir mai ligadu ho direitu sira seluk inklui direitu ba saude ne’ebe adekuadu, edukasaun no empregu. Wainhira ema bele ezerse sira nia direitu lolos sira sei susesu. Wainhira direitu sira ne’e impede, ema dala barak la konsege atinzi sira nia potensialidade, impede progresu ekonomiku no sosial, tuir relatoriu foun ne’ebe ho titulu “Kbiit atu hili: Direitu Reprodutiva no Tranzisaun Demografiku.”

“Opsaun bele muda mundu”. Direitor Ezekutivu UNFPA Dr. Natalia Kanem hakerek iha prefasiu relatoriu ne’e nian . “Ida ne’e bele lalais hasae moris diak ba feto no labarik feto sira, transforma familia no aselera dezenvolvimentu global.”

Wainhira feto ida iha kbiit no meius hodi prevene ka atraza nia isin rua, pur ezemplu, nia iha kontrolu liu tan kona ba ninia saude no bele tama ka hela iha forsa traballu ho hetan vensimentu no realiza ninia potensialidade ekonomiku.

Relatoriu ne’e hetan katak laiha nasaun ida maka reklama katak nia sidadaun hotu hotu goza direitu reprodutiva iha tempu hotu hotu. Kazal barak labele iha oan tuir numeru sira nia hakarak tamba sira kuran apoiu ekonomiku no sosial hodi alkansa sira nia numeru familia preferidu. La hetan nesesidade ba planeamentu familiar prevene feto atus no tokon hodi hili familia ho numeru kiik.

Hafoin Konferensia Internasional ba Populasaun no Dezenvolvimentu tinan 1994, saude no direitu reprodutiva substansialmente aumenta iha mundu tomak. Ema hetan informasaun barak kona ba sira nia direitu reprodutiva no opsaun sira, no   kapasidade boot liu tan atu reklama sira nia direitu. Tranzisaun istoriku atu hatun fertilidade relatoriu ne’e hato’o mosu liu hosi ema reklama sira nia direitu atu halo opsaun kona ba sira nia moris reprodutiva no atu iha oitoan ka barak oan sira ne’ebe tuir sira nia hakarak no wainhira sira hakarak.

Relatoriu ne’e klasifika nasaun hotu hotu iha mundu ne’e tuir dinamika atual kona ba sira nia fertilidade populasaun nian. Relatoriu ne’e fo rekomendasaun  espesifiku ba politika no programa sira ne’ebe bele tulun nasaun ida-idak aumenta sira opsaun ba repordutiva.

Atu halo liberdade hodi hili sai realidade ida, relatoriu ne’e haktuir, nasaun sira bele prioritiza asesu universal ba kualidade kuidadu saude reprodutiva inklui kontraseptivu modernu, asegura edukasaun ne’ebe diak liu, inklui edukasaun seksualidade ne’eb

e apropriadu ba idade, halo advokasia ba mudansa atitude mane nian hodi bele fo apoiu ba direitu no aspirasaun ba feto no labarik feto sira, no halo fasil ba kazal sira atu iha tan oan , se sira hakarak liu hosi haforsa ekilibriu servisu –moris liu hosi medida sira hanesan kuidadu labarik ne’ebe kustu ladun karu.

Dalan ba oin maka realizasaun tomak ba direitu reprodutiva ba ema ida-idak no kazal sira la hare ba sira hela iha ne’ebe ka oinsa sira moris, osan hira maka sira iha, tenik Dr. Kanem .  Ne’e inklui Hatun/halakon bareira hotu hotu – ekonomia, sosial ka institusional – ne’ebe hili ho livre no informadu ba opsaun sira ne’ebe iha.



The State of World Population 2018


The power to choose the number, timing and spacing of children

can bolster economic and social development,

new UNFPA report shows


UNITED NATIONS, New York, 17 October 2018--The global trend towards smaller families is a reflection of people making reproductive choices to have as few or as many children as they want, when they want. When people lack choice, it can have a long-term impact on fertility rates, often making them higher or lower than what most people desire, according to The State of World Population 2018, published today by UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency.


Family size is closely linked with reproductive rights, which, in turn, are tied to many other rights, including the right to adequate health, education, and jobs. Where people can exercise their rights, they tend to thrive. Where these rights are stifled, people often fail to achieve their full potential, impeding economic and social progress, according to the new report, entitled, “The Power of Choice: Reproductive Rights and the Demographic Transition.”


“Choice can change the world,” UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem writes in the report’s foreword. “It can rapidly improve the well-being of women and girls, transform families, and accelerate global development.”


When a woman has the power and means to prevent or delay a pregnancy, for example, she has more control over her health and can enter or stay in the paid labour force and realize her full economic potential.


The report found that no country can claim that all of its citizens enjoy reproductive rights at all times. Most couples cannot have the number of children they want because they either lack economic and social support to achieve their preferred family size, or the means to control their fertility. The unmet need for modern contraception prevents hundreds of millions of women from choosing smaller families.


Since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, reproductive health and rights have substantially improved around the world. People have more information about their reproductive rights and choices, and a greater capacity to claim their rights. “The historic transition to lower fertility,” says the report, “has emerged through people claiming their right to make choices about their reproductive lives, and to have as few, or as many, children as they want, when they want.”


The report classifies all countries in the world by the current dynamics of their populations’ fertility. It makes specific recommendations for policies and programmes that would help each country increase reproductive choices.


To make freedom of choice a reality, says the report, countries can prioritize universal access to quality reproductive health care, including modern contraceptives; ensure better education, including age-appropriate sexuality education; advocate for a change in men’s attitudes to be supportive of the rights and aspirations of women and girls; and make it easier for couples to have more children, if they want them, by enabling greater work-life balance through measures such as affordable child care.


“The way forward is the full realization of reproductive rights, for every individual and couple, no matter where or how they live, or how much they earn,” says the Dr. Kanem. “This includes dismantling all the barriers—whether economic, social or institutional—that inhibit free and informed choice.”




UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. UNFPA reaches millions of women and young people in 155 countries and territories. 



You can access the report at https://www.unfpa.org/swop

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