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Hands on Camera for Reproductive Health

Hands on Camera for Reproductive Health


Hands on Camera for Reproductive Health

calendar_today 18 October 2013

Ministry of Health and UNFPA in Timor-Leste are shooting videos for a number of TV spots about reproductive health care. These five-minute videos will focus on reproductive health education, including family planning, skilled birth attendance and men involvement in reproductive health care.

Timor-Leste has fast growing population. The fertility rate is 5.7 per women and only 1 in 5 women are using family planning methods. About one in three married women have an unmet need for family planning.
In addition, maternal mortality in Timor-Leste is high relative to the countries in the region. Therefore, safe motherhood, family planning and reproductive health are among the government's main priorities.

The Ministry of Health and UNFPA work together to address these issues. One way is changing social behavior. That is why MOH and UNFPA are now shooting these TV spots that will be broadcasted on TV across all 13 districts.

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