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REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: RFQ No. UNFPA/TLS/RFQ/2023/012-for LTA (Provision of Digital Content and Communications Services Company/Firm)

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: RFQ No. UNFPA/TLS/RFQ/2023/012-for LTA (Provision of Digital Content and Communications Services Company/Firm)

UNFPA Timor-Leste



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RFQ No. UNFPA/TLS/RFQ/2023/012-for LTA (Provision of Digital Content and Communications Services Company/Firm)

Dear Suppliers,
UNFPA hereby solicits your quotation for contract for Long Term Agreement (LTA) the Provision of digital content and communications company for the UNFPA office in Dili, Timor-Leste.

Please see the purpose of the consultancy:
The purpose of this digital media including social media and mass media communication service provider is to support UNFPA Timor-Leste's country office advocacy, awareness, and visibility engagement through designing and production of various innovative digital media platforms, including social media, mass media, content designing and uploading/airing of content on UNFPA website, Facebook and Twitter, TV, Radio, Newspaper and Outdoor. This includes designing and development of podcast interviews, short videos, documentary films, content for outdoor media, live streaming of talk shows, recorded TV shows, PSMs for radio and high-level engagement on various digital media platforms. 

For further details of the requirements of Terms of Reference (ToR), please collect it from UNFPA office, UN House, Caicoli Street, Dili, Timor-Leste, or contact Mr. Jose Jordao Estelvidio, phone

If you are interested in submitting a quotation for the Requested, kindly fill in the attached Quotation Form and send by email to the address email to timor-leste.office@unfpa.org or in sealed envelopes to Mr. Jose A.D.S Scares, Admin & Finance Associate, of Operations for UNFPA before or no later than 17.00 hours, Dili time on Monday, 30 October 2023.


The RFQ and RFQ Form are attached for your reference. 

 The deadline for submissions is Monday, 30 October 2023, at 17:00.