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Request For Proposal RFP) No. UNFPA/TLS/RFP/2023/002 for Long Term Agreement LTA (For Provision of Travel Management Services for UNFPA office)

Request For Proposal RFP) No. UNFPA/TLS/RFP/2023/002 for Long Term Agreement LTA (For Provision of Travel Management Services for UNFPA office)

UNFPA Timor-Leste



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Request For Proposal RFP) No. UNFPA/TLS/RFP/2023/002
for Long Term Agreement LTA
(For Provision of Travel Management Services for UNFPA office)

Dear Sir/Madam,

UNFPA hereby solicits Proposals for the provision of Travel Management Services. This request is open to all legally-constituted companies or institutions, (local and international) operating in Timor Leste or outside the country that can provide the Travel Management Services and have the legal capacity to deliver/perform the services in the country or through
an authorized representative in Timor Leste.

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is an intematioual developmen1agency that works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.

The objective of the RFP is to identify the suppliers who can provide to UNFPA the Travel Management Services as required in the specification details (TOR) through a Long Tenn
Agreement (LTA). The selected supplier(s) are expected to provide these services based on specific Purchase Orders submitted to the suppliers.

Further details of the required bid documents may be obtained from the UNFPA Office, UN House, Caicoli Street, Dili. Contact person Mr. Jose Jordao Estelvidio, phone number +670 78186508

If you are interested, please send your Proposal through the dedicated email address to timor-leste.office(%unfpa.org or in sealed envelopes addressed to Ms. Pamela Aine, International Operations Manager before or no later than 16.00 hours on Wednesday, 15 November 2023. The contact is, HP. 78186508, UN House, Caicoli, Dili, Timor - Leste.