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National Individual Consultant to support Supply Chain

National Individual Consultant to support Supply Chain

UNFPA Timor-Leste Country Office, Dili



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Scope of work:


Purpose of the consultancy:

The Supply Chain Management consultant will work to ensure effective management of Supply Chain and ensuring Last Mile Assurance activities in the areas of Sexual and Reproductive Health, FP, Maternal Health and HIV. IC will contribute to the formulation, implementation and follow up Supply Chain and LMA activities within UNFPA, counterparts and IPs. IC will work closely with the Ministry of Health, SAMES, DNFM and national RH officers, and within the framework of the UNFPA Timor-Leste CPD (2021-2024.

Scope of work

A.  Programme Development, Management and Coordination on Supply Chain Management

  • Contribute to formulation of performance indicators and setting of programme milestones and targets to ensure effective monitoring of progress towards achievements of supply chain management and last mile assurance;
  • Monitor achievement of supply chain management AWP activities, budget expenditure and tracking of overall programme delivery within the set timeline, contributing substantially to the review, data analysis and write up of the narrative and financial reports and provide detailed feedback and edits related to supply chain and last mile assurance;
  • Provide substantive analysis and summaries to senior management on the progress, challenges, and lessons learned with regard to major aspects of the programme and propose necessary changes in SCM implementation;
  • Take appropriate actions to optimize use of e-LMIS, financial effectiveness and accountability of project activities.

B. Technical Support and Capacity Building in Supply Chain Management

  • Build the capacity of implementing partners in supply chain management for the design of results focused work plans and reporting, and provide guidance and technical assistance to ensure high quality implementation of programme activities; 
  • Conduct regular monitoring to Central Ware House (CWH), DCWH, pharmacy store in Community Health Centres Conduct monitoring and supportive supervision on SRH supplies in selected mSupply sites to ensure First In-Firs Out system (FEFO) organizing
  • Undertake periodic field visits to monitor and assess programme implementation and decides on required corrective action;
  • Oversee the forecasting, procurement, warehousing and distribution of family planning commodities and maternal health medicines, working closely and directly liaising with MoH (SAMES and DNFM), APRO, SCMU and CSB.
  • Support implementation of mSupply by review stock of SRH commodities in each Service Delivery Points and updated number of SDPs who have stock out.
  • Support Third Party Procurement with government on SRH commodities
  • Support MISP contextualization to Timor-Leste context.

C. Knowledge and data Generation and Innovation in Supply Chain

  • Promote knowledge-sharing by documenting supply chain best practices and lessons learned and effectively share these with relevant partners to inform programming, policy and advocacy;
  • Provide strategic inputs towards advocacy efforts of the Country Office by preparing or reviewing relevant documentation, i.e. project summaries, donor briefs, speeches, and participating in donor meetings and public information events when required;
  • Catalyse and scope for innovative initiatives that enhance programme quality;
  • facilitate the incorporation of sexual and reproductive health and MISP into national and sub-national emergency preparedness and contingency plans and strategies, with translation of substantive documents.


  • Submit monthly report related to SCM activities
  • Monthly update stock of SRH commodities
  • Submit procurement plan and specifications for SRH including GBV, HIV commodities
  • Submit SDPs who have stock out on SRH commodities, expiry items and distribution plan for nearly expired items (6-12 months near expiry date).
  • Submission of Quantification and Forecasting for SRH commodities
  • Submission National Supply Chain Plan and Distribution Plan for SRH, GBV, HIV commodities
  • Support LMA activities by submission of Supply Chain overview, Supply Chain map, Quarterly Stock Review
  • Conducted Supply Chain Management (SCM) training and orientation for Central Warehouse (CWH), Decentralised Warehouse (DCW), DNFM and pharmacy stores in CHCs.
  • Submission of mSupply report activities
  • Submission monitoring and supportive supervision report on SRH supplies in selected mSupply sites
  • Submit Third Party Procurement Specification and distribution plan

Duration and working schedule: 11 months, starting from the signing of the Consultancy contract with monthly lump sum instalment with a possibility of extension of contract.

Place where services are to be delivered: Dili and municipalities.

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered

  • UNFPA will organize an initial meeting with the consultant prior to commencement of work in order to fine-tune deliverables and needs.
  • Consultant is expected to submit deliverables in time, within the consultancy period, by email and hard copy addressed to UNFPA CO, for UNFPA to review and provide comments.
  • All documents developed should be shared to RH team and kept in office g-drive

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

Monitoring of activities will be done by UNFPA, in collaboration of the MCH department of the Ministry of Health.

The consultant will report to UNFPA. Approval of consultancy deliverables is done by UNFPA.


Supervisory arrangements:

The consultant will work under the overall guidance of UNFPA Representative and direct supervision of Assistant Country Representative and in close collaboration with RH Program Analysts UNFPA. IC is expected to regularly brief the UNFPA SRH team and will work according to an agreed time bound plan. IC will undertake field visits for monitoring and supportive supervision and when necessary he/she will participate in the meetings.


Expected travel: Expected travel to municipalities where mSupply sites exists.


Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

  • Advanced University degree in Pharmacy, Public Health, Medicine, Social Sciences, or related field, with at least 2 years of relevant demonstrated experience; or Bachelor’s degree in Public Health, social sciences, or related field, with at least 4 years of relevant experience;
  • Substantive knowledge and practical experience in Reproductive Health Commodity Security (RHCS), Supply Chain and forecasting.
  • Good knowledge of UNFPA’s mandate and the Health sector in Timor-Leste is an advantage;
  • Excellent ability to work autonomously, in a challenging and changing environment, around sensitive issues; flexible and positive collaborative attitude;
  • Good communication, presentation and analytical skills, ability to work efficiently with governmental and non-governmental institutions;
  • Fluency in English, both oral and written is required, Tetun speaker is required. 

Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner, if applicable:

UNFPA will be responsible only to facilitate access to stakeholders and individuals for consultations/interviews and relevant documentation.


Candidates are expected to send their P11 and cover letter to timor-leste.office@unfpa.org and register their profile on this link: http://www.unfpa.org/unfpa-consultant-roster


Closing date:   3 May 2023

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.