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UNFPA Timor-Leste

National Individual Consultant


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Purpose of Consultancy:

1. This consultancy will continue coordinate and facilitate the continuation of the implementation of the Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) Improvement Plan. In addition, this consultancy will facilitate the roll out of implementation of the National ANC/PNC Guidelines and Protocols, and strengthen the implementation of the MPDSR program in the country.

2. The consultancy will support the implementation of awareness raising and understanding of GBV through evidence-based advocacy among senior policy-makers and within health system, support and monitor the implementation of in-service training package for health care providers to respond to GBV in line with National and WHO guidelines as well as support and monitor the operationalization of safe space to ensure that services are survivor-centred and in line with national and international guidelines.

Scope of work: (Description of services, activities, or outputs)

Specific task of the consultancy:
Under the overall guidance of the UNFPA Representative and in close collaboration with the UNFPA Assistant Representative and the RH program team, the consultant will:
In collaboration with INS and MCH Department coordinate and lead the EMONC Training for selected health providers:

  • Develop a training plan for 2024 EMONC training for identified health facilities as BEMONC /CEMONC centres.
  • Coordinate and implement the 26-days comprehensive EMONC Training for midwifes and doctors from the remaining CHC’s upgraded for Basic EMONC and CEMONC services simultaneously.
  • Conduct field visits for post-training supportive supervision at three months after training to assess the skills and performance of the trainees, numbers of procedures done by the trainees, the quality of the care provided, to see the clinical setting, and provide mentoring and guidance and also to discuss the cases they have managed, and also to coach the trainees through simulation and discussion on the steps of all procedures using learning guides and clinical protocols.
  • Conduct the Supervised Internship, intermittently for all trainees at HNGV, to provide supervision and mentoring for the trainees, to improve their skill practices using supervised client practice.
  • Close monitoring and supervision of the BEMONC centres and provide a comprehensive report quarterly
  • Disseminate the standards and clinical protocols on intra-partum and immediate postpartum care and management of complications at all hospitals (CEMONC).
  • Coordinate and facilitate the dissemination of ANC & PNC Standard Guidelines and Protocols.
  • Conduct orientation of ANC & PNC to health care providers.
  • Support MPDSR program and provide technical input to MPDSR implementation.
  • Facilitate the introduction and rollout of the VR medical refresher training program to EmONC trainees.
  • Provide technical input for establishment of maternity unit in newly build community health centres and hospitals.
  • Provide technical inputs to the concept notes/proposals/donor reports. 

Participate in coordination meetings for improvement of Maternal Health Program

  • Actively participate in the stakeholders meeting, to discuss the EmONC improvement plan, the implementation, the challenges faced and the outcome of the plan.
  • Provide support to Maternal and Child Health Department, especially on the implementation of the Health Sector to Respond of Gender Based Violence and Adolescent Reproductive Health.
  • Any other task requested by the UNFPA Representative. Outputs/Deliverables:
  • EMONC Training Plan for 2024
  • EMONC Training Reports  EMONC FUAT/ Supportive Supervision/Monitoring Report
  • ANC & PNC Training Packages and training reports MPDSR annual reports
  • Virtual Reality training modules

Under the overall guidance of the UNFPA Representative and in close collaboration with the UNFPA Assistant Representative and the Gender program team, the consultant will:

In collaboration with MoH (MCH department) and INS (training department), coordinate and support the implementation of awareness raising and understanding of GBV through evidence-based advocacy among senior policy-makers and within health system, and the implementation of national in-service training package:

  • Collaborate with PRADET on medical forensic training/refreshing training to the health providers working in UNFPA supported safe spaces as well as support the integration and institutionalization of Medical Forensic Examination into national health system.
  • Support the GBV- MoH to monitor the operationalization and functioning of the safe space to ensure that the services provided are survivor-centred and in line with national and WHO guidelines.
  • Support the functioning of safe spaces particularly on the integration of SRH and GBV services and ensuring the skills of the providers on the CRM.


  • Report of Training on medical forensic examination (MFE) participated and conducted as well as process of integration and institutionalization of MFE into health system.
  • Monitoring report of the operationalization of safe spaces including services provided including the follow-up action for further improvement of the services.

Duration and working schedule: 11 months (01 December 2023 – 31 October 2024)

Place where services are to be delivered: UNFPA TL CO, Hospital National Guido Valadares, MCH Department MoH, National Institute of Public Health (INSP-TL) and municipalities.

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

Electronic and Hardcopy of materials submitted:

  • EMONC Training Plan for 2024
  • EMONC Training Reports
  • EMONC FUAT/ Supportive Supervision/Monitoring Report
  • Comprehensive EMONC report quarterly
  • ANC & PNC training reports
  • MPDSR annual reports
  • Monitoring and training reports for the implementation of in-service training package including FUAT.
  • Plan (ToR) for the joint trainings of multi-sectoral GBV response.
  • Monitoring report of the operationalization of safe spaces including services provided.

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

  • Consultant is expected to complete the task by 31 October 2024
  • Weekly meeting with relevant UNFPA program staffs, INS, and MCH-MoH

Supervisory arrangements: Under direct supervision of Assistant Country Representative

Expected travel: NA

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

  • Degree in Medicine with specialization in OBGYN
  • Expertise in conducting planning on RH/Maternal Health/EMONC
  • Knowledge and expertise in planning on GBV and SRH.
  • Experience of participation in GBV related trainings (regional and national).
  • Have work experience for more than 7 years
  • Have a good knowledge of the Health system and Maternal Health in particular, including public health concepts and monitoring skills (practice of indicators)
  • Have enough seniority to discuss freely with doctors, specialists, department directors, district health authorities and development partners
  • Have good analytic and writing skills to present the reports
  • Have training experience DocuSign Envelope ID: BEDB8CDB-710D-49FA-AE79-1D8B0BFF54C63
  • Be committed to self-learning in order to keep abreast with new knowledge
  • Possess self-management skills (i.e. motivation, dealing with pressure, adaptability)
  • Be able work in a team
  • Excellent report writing skills
  • Demonstrated self-management skills (i.e. motivation, dealing with pressure, adaptability)
  • Willingness to take part in frequent Skype/teleconferences with the country office, Asia Pacific Regional office, and the other technical experts when required
  • Familiar with UNFPA policies and priorities
  • Fluency in English

Other relevant information or special conditions, if any: UNFPA will share the relevant documents.

Interested candidates should submit an application (e.g. cover letter, and P11 to the following email: timor-leste.office@unfpa.org). 

Closing date: 6th November 2023