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INTERNATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT for revision and contextualization of GBV guidelines and minimum standards for the prevention and response to GBV in emergencies.

INTERNATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT for revision and contextualization of GBV guidelines and minimum standards for the prevention and response to GBV in emergencies.

UNFPA Timor-Leste

International Individual Consultant


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Purpose of consultancy:

Emergency situations increase the vulnerability of women, girls, and boys to sexual and other forms of gender-based violence due to disruption of law and order as well as natural breakdown of social protection systems.
UNFPA seeks to prevent gender-based violence by increasing multi-sectoral capacity and by using a continuum approach in development and humanitarian settings. UNFPA plays a prominent inter-agency role in leading the gender-based violence area of responsibility under the Global Protection Cluster.
UNFPA CO work with national and Municipal level institutions to strengthen national systems in GBV related policy, administrative protocols, and SOPs development, to ensure that internationally agreed standards and principles of survivor-centred care are incorporated in the practice of service providers from relevant sectors.
UNFPA CO along with CPA and MSSI ensure integration of GBV IASC Guidelines and UNFPA’s Minimum Standards in the country’s DRR policies and programmes.
With this focus CO sees Joint Program for Essential Service Package as an opportunity to foster linkages across the continuum of development actors and emergency responders in the field of GBV. The synergies across standards/protocols for both settings would help build over time, sustainable human capacity within government institutions which is critical to respond to GBV in development and in times of crises in a country like Timor-Leste. This will also enable the country to move towards achieving longer-term development and resilience gains (underpinned by a sustainable communications and advocacy strategy).

In view of prevalence of GBV in the pre-emergency social settings over the years there has been more recognition of the greater possibility and threat of GBV occurring in humanitarian settings. Responding to GBV requires coordination among all stakeholders to respond to the needs of the survivors or to put in place the prevention mechanisms both in development and humanitarian settings. UNFPA provided technical support to MoH, MSSI and process of drafting guidelines for prevention and response to GBV (emergencies). MSSI has shown its commitment to take this process forward and to facilitate the steps towards contextualization of Guidelines and to provide policy guidance for providing protection and support to victims of violence in humanitarian crisis. The guidelines/ Minimum standards will facilitate joint action by all actors to prevent and respond to GBV. Further to guidelines UNFPA along with APC and Ministry of Solidarity Social and inclusion (MSSI) and Secretary of state for equality and inclusion (SEII) will also be initiating the process of development of interagency protocols to ensure smooth coordination and communication actions.
With this context, the Country Office Timor-Leste seeking the services of International Consultant to work closely with Government relevant ministries and agencies and its district counterparts to revise and contextualize guidelines and minimum standards for the prevention and response to GBV in emergencies.

Scope of work: (Description of services, activities, or outputs)

Overall Objectives of the Assignment
Contribute to strengthening the role of MSSI/PAC/SEII as coordinating body to support interagency GBV coordination mechanism and support establishment of a GBV advisory group at National Level. Develop Guidelines and oversee roll out of Guide interventions, to support the continuum approach to prevention and response to GBV in emergencies.
Key activities:
1. Conduct desk review of the national efforts since beginning from the platform of GBV sub-cluster with regards to GBV in emergencies alongside international guidelines and standard operating procedures on GBV in emergencies.
2. Consult local, regional and global documents if any for GBViE guidelines, Interagency protocols, minimum standards and SOPs in emergencies and incorporate best practices and interventions.
3. Engage in key informant interviews with relevant GBV related organization.
4. Lead and facilitate focus group discussions with women and girls of affected populations to understand needs and priorities alongside GBV & sexual exploitation and abuse related risks which can be exasperated in emergencies to feed into the contextualization of the guidelines.
5. Take the lead in contextualising GBV Guidelines for all development & humanitarian actors in Timor-Leste to mainstream interventions across sectors with the focus on programming and coordination of GBV prevention and response. Minimum standards for prevention and response of GBV in emergencies in close coordination with and provincial DDMA focal points.
6. Plan, conduct and document consultative meetings at national level to seek inputs for guidelines and minimum standards contextualization process.

7. Support APC/MSSI/SEII with technical assistance in the field of gender and GBV in emergencies, including roll out of guideline and SOPs.
8. Support UNFPA/relevant ministries and agencies in establishing GBV advisory group and its role and functions and design and conduct GBV mainstreaming across continuum approach for the advisory group members and key stakeholders.
9. Design road map based on the recommendations by all stakeholders to roll out the guidelines/ minimum standards and its implementation package.
10. Conduct training to the members of GBV sub-clusters.
11. Provide technical support to the coordinator of GBV sub-cluster.

● Workshop and focus group discussion reports clearly documenting inputs from the participants guiding contextualizing the guidelines for integrating GBV interventions in Humanitarian action and minimum standards for prevention and response of GBV in emergencies and capturing different contexts at national level.
● Develop and share strategy of developing the guidelines and minimum standards, contextualization and roll-out process.
● Final draft of “Guidelines and Minimum standards for the prevention and response to GBV in emergencies.” approved by APC/MSSI and SEII
● Guidance materials for GBV mainstreaming & training content compiled for further use
● TOR and strategy paper including road map for GBV advisory group along with work plan and intended actions for 2023-24

● Report of training provided to members of the GBV sub-cluster.

Duration and working schedule: 65 days preferably start by October 2023 

Place where services are to be delivered: Dili-other municipalities

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

The consultant will prepare a work plan with timelines and deliverable
Deliverables Timeline %
Desk review which will include meetings with APC/MSSI and SEII and other UN Agencies and key stakeholders and CSOs and looking at global and regional documents if any

        5 days                                                                                                                                                                             

7.7 %                                                               
Consultative meetings (4). Includes planning and post meeting documentation. Alongside focus group discussions and key informant interviews. 5 days      7.7 %
Development and Contextualization of global best Practices as guideline and Minimum standards document 10 days      15.4 %
Presentation to APC/MSSI/SEII and UNFPA, incorporating feedback 5 days      7.7  %
Validation workshop for all stakeholders 5 days      7.7 %
Strategy paper and Tors for GBV advisory group along with work plan and intended actions for 2023-24 5 days      7.7 %
GBV mainstreaming training for the GBV advisory group members and important stakeholders includes preparation and conducting the training 15 days      23 %
GBV guidelines and Minimum standards 10 days      15.4 %
Report of training to members of GBV sub-cluster 5 days      7.7 %
  65 days      10.00 %

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

The consultant will submit briefs and regular updates to senior management against the work plan deliverables.

Supervisory arrangements: The Consultant will report to the Assistant Country Representative, with the guidance from Gender and Youth Programme Coordinator.

Expected travel: Travel to other districts for consultative meetings.

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements: 

Master Degree with 5 years of working relevant working experiences or Bachelor degree with 7 years of relevant working experience degree in Women/Gender studies, Anthropology, Sociology, and/or related Social Science fields and relevant experience in the field of Gender mainstreaming.

Knowledge and Experience:

● Familiarity with standards and guidelines for gender mainstreaming, including prevention and response mechanisms to address GBV.
● Experience in training, facilitation, capacity building, strategy development, etc.
● Experience with development of knowledge management, guidelines or policy documents.
● Familiarity with international humanitarian or development programming, coordination structures, and the mandates of donors, UN agencies, and other NGOs.
● Familiarity/knowledge about working with government will be added asset.
● Willingness to engage in local travels visiting other districts and municipalities, as required
● Excellent English oral and written skills.
● Be able to listen actively and respond effectively

Inputs/services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable: 

UNFPA will cover the consultant’s official travel costs, based on prevailing UN rules and regulations.
UNFPA will provide office space and travel related with consultative meetings.

Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:

The consultant shall work closely with the GBV team of UNFPA under the supervision Assistant Representative

Candidates are expected to send their P11 and cover letter to: 

timor-leste.office@unfpa.org and register their profile on this link: 


Closing date: 18 October, 2023

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 

Note: ToR and P11 are attached.