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UNFPA Timor-Leste supports Ministry of Health Timor-Leste conducting Peer Educator Training to PNTL members from 12 Municipalities

UNFPA Timor-Leste supports Ministry of Health Timor-Leste conducting Peer Educator Training to PNTL members from 12 Municipalities


UNFPA Timor-Leste supports Ministry of Health Timor-Leste conducting Peer Educator Training to PNTL members from 12 Municipalities

calendar_today 04 April 2016


Dili, 29-31 March 2016: UNFPA Timor-Leste supported Ministry of Health Timor-Leste conducting Peer Educator Training to PNTL's members from 12 municipalities on Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and Sexual Explotation and Abuse (SEA) at ETDA's meeting room.

UNFPA Timor-Leste supported Ministry of Health Timor-Leste conducting Peer Educator Training to PNTL's members from 12 municipalities on Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and Sexual Explotation and Abuse (SEA) at ETDA's meeting room. Total participants was 27 (M: 19, F: 8). Objective of the training was to improve knowledge and skills of PNTL members who will later perform the work as peer educators when they return to their work places.

Dra. Domingas Bernardo, UNFPA's representative stated that UNFPA is committed to provide its continuos support to work together with PNTL to reduce the case for HIV/AIDS, gender based violence and abuse and sexual exploitations, and stigma and discrimination within PNTL institution in regard to HIV/AIDS. On behalf of UNFPA, I would like to General Commander, Mr. Julio Hornay and Mr. Faustino da Costa (Second General Commander) for their leadership and support for this program. UNFPA also thanked to Commander of Health Unit (Mr. Abilio de Araujo and his team) who facilitated organizing this training.

Mr. Faustino da Costa (Second General Commander, PNTL) gave his brief remark to PNTL member who attended this training to use this opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills in the related areas. Mr. Faustino emphasized that getting certificate after completion of the training is part of your future career but the most important is after the training how you can work better to disseminate information to PNTL's colleagues thus they can prevent themselves from getting this disease which everyone afraid of to talk and shy to seek for health services when they need. He also thanked to UNFPA for preparing and facilitating this training to PNTL members.

The training was ended by handed out USB to each participants. In the future, UNFPA and MoH will continue providing equipment and materials to PNTL so they can perform their work better in each municipality.


Dili, 29-31 Marsu 2016: Fundus Nasoens Unidas ba Populasaun (UNFPA) iha Timor-Leste suporta Ministériu da Saúde halo treinamentu edukasaun husi kolega ba kolega ba membru PNTL sira husi 12 municipios kona-ba HIV/SIDA, Moras Hadaet Liu Husi Relasaun Seksual (MHRS), Violensia Seksual no Violensia Bazea ba Jeneru no Exploitasaun no Abuzu Seksual) iha salaun ETDA Fatuhada.

Fundus Nasoens Unidas ba Populasaun (UNFPA) iha Timor-Leste suporta Ministériu da Saúde halo treinamentu edukasaun husi kolega ba kolega ba membru PNTL sira husi 12 municipios husi 29-31 Marsu 2016. Topiku ba treinamentu ida ne'e maka HIV/SIDA, MHRS, Violensia Seksual no Violensia bazea ba Jeneru no Exploitasaun no Abuzu Seksual. Objetivu husi treinamentu ida ne'e maka atu hasae kunhesimentu no abilidade husi membru PNTL sira ne'ebé maka sei hala'o servisu hanesan peer edukadores bainhira fila fali ba sira nia servisu fatin idak-idak.

Dra. Domingas Bernardo, reprezentante UNFPA hateten UNFPA iha komitmentu atu kontinua servisu hamutuk ho PNTL sira hodi nune'e bele hamenus kazu no moras ba HIV/SIDA, reduz kazu violensia bazea ba jeneru no abuzu no exploitasaun seksual no hamenus stigma no diskriminasaun iha instituisaun PNTL ba membru PNTL sira rasik relasiona ho moras HIV/SIDA. Hodi UNFPA nia naran, hau hakarak hato'o obrigada barak ba insituisaun PNTL ba lideransa no suporta husi Komandante Jeral, Sr. Julio Hornay no Segundu Komandante Jeral, Sr. Faustino da Costa ba progama ida ne'e. UNFPA mos agradese ba Komandante Unidade Asistensia Klinika, Sr. Abilio de Araujo no ekipa tomak ne'ebé maka ajuda fasilita treinamentu ida ne'e.

Sr. Faustino da Costa (Segundu Komandante Jeral, PNTL) hato'o lian menon ba membru PNTL sira ne'ebe partisipate treinamentu ida ne'e aproveita oportunidade diak ida ne'e hodi bele hasae liu tan sira nia kunhesimentu no abilidade iha area refere. Sr. Faustino mos akresente katak hetan sertifikadu hanesan parte ida ba ita nia kareira futuru maibe importante liu maka oinsa liu husi treinamentu ida ne'e membru PNTL sira bele servisu diak liu tan hodi bele fahe informasaun ba kolega PNTL sira seluk hodi nune'e bele ajuda hadook aan husi moras ne'ebe ema hotu tauk atu koalia no moe ba buka kuidadus saude bainhira hetan ona. Agradese ba UNFPA ne'ebe maka prepara no fasilita treinamnetu ba membru PNTL sira.

Treinamentu ida ne'e remata ho fahe simbolikamente USB ba kada membru PNTL sira. Iha futuru, UNFPA no Ministeriu da Saude sei kontinua fasilita suporta ekipamentus no materials ne'ebe maka PNTL sira presija hodi bele hala'o diak liu implementasaun programa ne'e iha municipios idak-idak. ***

Mr. Faustino da Costa (Second General Commander) delivered his speech during the opening ceremony Group work during the training

Group presentation Group presentation

Handed over of USB by Mr. Abilio de Araujo (Commander for Clinical Unit) to PNTL members Handed over of USB by UNFPA Representative (Dra. Domingas Bernardo) to PNTL members