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UNFPA Timor-Leste celebrated International Youth Day with youth in Liquica from 8-12 August 2016

UNFPA Timor-Leste celebrated International Youth Day with youth in Liquica from 8-12 August 2016


UNFPA Timor-Leste celebrated International Youth Day with youth in Liquica from 8-12 August 2016

calendar_today 12 August 2016

The International Youth Day is celebrated on every August 12. UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, celebrates International Youth Day by reaffirming and recognizing the central role of young people in promoting the well-being of their families, communities and nations. This year's theme, "The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Production and Consumption," couldn't be more relevant and timely.

More than 500 million youth worldwide live in poverty, and often cannot afford their basic needs. They lack access to vital resources, and are disproportionately represented amongst the world's poor. They have the most to gain if we succeed in eradicating poverty, and will have the most to lose if we fail. The good news is that young people are not the problem, as is often thought, but, in fact, they are the solution. Globally, large youth populations represent a historic opportunity to introduce progress and adopt innovative solutions to ignite this change. Essential to this is the realization of young people's rights to participate in the political, economic and social life of their communities and countries, and to freely make informed choices regarding their bodies, sexuality and reproduction without discrimination, violence or coercion. To empower young people means giving them the tools to become even more influential, productive actors in their societies. In order to achieve this, countries need to end all forms of discrimination faced by young people, particularly adolescent girls, such as forced and child marriage and sexual violence, which can result in unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions and HIV infections, and risk derailing their future.

Timor-Leste is currently facing a youth bulge, with young people representing more than a third of the adult population - and the youth population is increasing. They usually leave school at 19, get married at 21 for young women and 25 for young men, have their first child at 22, and find work between 22 and 25. To be the active agents for positive social change, Timor-Leste's young population needs to be educated, healthy, productively employed, and civic-minded. For young people in particular, challenges remain without adequate knowledge of nutrition and public health. Adolescent fertility is high in comparison with neighboring nations, smoking rates are the highest in the world and the number of people infected with HIV is increasing. Too many young women suffer from the consequences of early marriage and teenage pregnancies. Too many young men suffer from alcohol abuse and road accidents. Timorese youth face many risks in trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which requires good knowledge, strong life skills and access to quality services.  All of these challenges constrain them in their efforts to contribute to their own development and that of their communities by the absence of adequate opportunities to participate fully in the broader process of development. Priority must be given to enhancing the role of youth in all areas of social and economic development; this not only benefits young people themselves, but also fosters a sense of community and promotes national development.

To engage youth in activities organized on the occasion of International Youth Day, UNFPA-Timor-Leste coordinated and collaborated with other UN agencies by conducting a series of events from 8-12 August in Liquica municipality. During the opening ceremony on August 8, the UN Resident coordinator praised young people as consumers, innovators and voters.  He emphasized the leading role that young people all over the world are already taking in combating climate change. He said that"I count on the Timorese youth to be torchbearers of sustainable development". On Wednesday, August 10, young people aged between 15-24 years old coming from 3 administrative posts - Liquica, Bazartete and Tibar - participated in UN workshops raising awareness for SDG 12 and the role of youth. UNFPA and other UN agencies also supported the Secretariat for Youth and Sports in promoting healthy lifestyles, civic engagement and entrepreneurial mindsets. The workshops brought together young innovators and social change makers to share their ideas and experiences as agents of change in their communities with the participants. In line with the theme of the Day "The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Production and Consumption", the first session focused on the leading role of young people in ensuring poverty eradication and achieving sustainable development through sustainable production and consumption. Other workshops topics elicited discussions around how youth can continue to provide new ideas and alternatives for the future of this planet, information and technology, biodiversity, tobacco control and youth reproductive health (HIV and STIs).

The last activity was conducted on the observance day of International Youth Day on August 12. The event started with a health march. To promote the benefits of physical activity, more than 100 young people marched from Maubara to Liquica youth center.

It was followed by an inspiring speech by Mr. Celestino da Cunha Barreto (Director for Fishery) from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. In his short remarks he said that "I thank UNFPA for organizing this event. This is a very good event. As shown in the t-shirt we are using now: Our planet, Our Future', it highlights that the youth are the future of our nation - they have to conserve the planet, so the sustainability of natural resources is ensured. This can be achieved when youth and adults take care of the environment together starting from now on." Following are the interviews with some youth during the event. First, Ofelia B. Pereira dos Santos (Female, 19 years, third year at Senior High School No. 1 Liquica). "I want to be a doctor. I feel proud to take part in this International Youth Day event. There are different competitions such as football, volleyball, and morning exercise. And our school takes part in the morning exercise competition and we win for first and second winner. I really like this event because it is like a wakeup call to us as youth, so we can work and improve ourselves for the future. After finishing my senior high school, I will take a one year course before I enroll to university. My message to my fellow youth: We all have to continue these kinds of volunteering activities as part of preparing ourselves for a better future and success. And my message to government is to continue to support us and to remind us of our responsibility and should encourage us to contribute to building a better future for us all." Furthermore, Faustino R de Jesus (18 years Old, Second Year at IMS Tibar) said that "Events like this could help youth to prevent them from falling into bad attitudes carried over from the past. I would like to become a teacher because there is still a lack of teachers. My message to my fellow young people is that as youth we have to prevent ourselves from abusing alcohol because it can destroy or health. It is our time to study. And to the government I say, please support our schools with sports equipment." Another youth, Juliano D. S. da Costa (19 years old, third year at Senior High School Nu. 1, Liquica) said: "I want to become a soldier. I am very happy to take part in this event because it brings us youth together today, so we can start working on our personal development. We have to trust each other so we can achieve our dreams and be an example/role model to other youth. To government, please continue these kinds of programs but in the future it should be in a big location where many people can come." The health march was followed by a distribution of gifts to children who won the sack and marbles competition. In the late afternoon, the formal closing ceremony was led by Secretary of State for Youth and Sports, Mr. Leovigildo Hornay, who handed over prized to sport competition to students. A planned Community Clean-up campaign to raise awareness for the importance of environmental protection was postponed.

Versaun Tetum

Fundus Nasoens Unidas ba Populasaun (UNFPA) Timor-Leste selebra Loron Mundial ba Juventude ho juventude sira iha Liquica iha loron 08-12 Agusto 2016

Loron Mundial ba Juventude selebra iha loron 12 Agusto kada tinan. UNFPA, Fundus Nasoens Unidas ba Populasaun, selebra Loron Internasional ba Juventude liu husi afirmasaun rekunhese papel sentral husi juventude sira hodi promove moris diak ba sira nia familia, komunidade no nasaun sira. Tema ba tinan ida nee maka, "Futuru ba 2030: Halakon Kiak no Atinji Produsaun no Konsumpsaun nebe sustentavel," nebe relevante no tuir tempo.

Juventude liu milhaun 500 iha mundu maka moris iha kiak, no dalabarak labele hetan sira ninia nesesidade baziku. Sira menus asesu ba rekursus nebe importante tebes, no sira mos reprezenta numeru kiak iha mundu. Sira bele atinji buat barak karik ita hotu susesu halakon kiak, no ita sei lakon buat barak karik ita failha atu halo ida nee. Novidades diak maka juventude sira laos sai hanesan problema nebe ita hotu hanoin, maibe, iha realidade sira sai hanesan solusaun. Globalmente, populasaun boot juventude reprezenta historia ba oportunidade atu introduz progresu no adopta solusaun sira nebe inovativu atu halo mudansa ida nee. Importante liu maka atinji direitus juventude sira nian atu partisipa iha vida politika, ekonomia no vida sosial husi sira nia komunidade no nasaun sira, no livre mos atu halo dezisaun ba sira nia aan rasik, seksualidade no reproduktiva sem diskriminasaun, violensia ka koersaun.

Atu haforsa juventude sira signifika katak fo ba sira instrumentu sira atu sai ema nebe influensia  liu, produtivu iha sira nia sosiadade rasik. Atu atinji ida nee, nasaun sira presiza atu halakon formas husi diskriminasaun hotu nebe jovem sira hasoru, liu-liu adolesente feto sira, hanesan kaben obrigatoriu no violensia seksual, nebe rezulta ba isin-rua nebe la hakarak, abortus la seguru no infeksaun HIV, no risku ba sira nia moris.

Timor-Leste atualmente enfrenta hela aumentu joven, ho foin-sa'e sira ne'ebé reprezenta liu kedas tersu-ida hosi populasaun adultu - no populasaun joven aumenta. Sira baibain husik eskola iha idade tinan-19, kaben iha idade tinan-21 ba feto sira no idade tinan-25 ba mane sira, hetan oan primeiru iha idade tinan-22, no hetan servisu iha idade entre tinan-22 no tinan-25. Atu sai ajente ativu ba mudansa sosiál ne'ebé pozitivu, Timor-Leste nia populasaun joven presiza sai edukadu, saudável, produtivamente empregadu, no konxiente. Liuliu ba foin-sa'e sira, dezafiu sempre iha nafatin sein koñesimentu adekuadu kona-ba nutrisaun no saúde públiku. Fertilidade adolexente ne'e aas kompara ho nasaun viziñu sira, taxa fuma nian ne'e aas liuhotu iha mundu no númeru ema ne'ebé hetan infeksaun HIV ne'e aumenta. Feto foin-sa'e barak tebes mak sofre konsekuénsia kaben-sedu no isin-rua iha idade adolexente. Mane foin-sa'e barak sofre abuzu alkol no asidente tráfiku. Joven Timorense enfrenta risku barak hodi koko mantein estilu-moris saudável, ne'ebé ezije koñesimentu di'ak, abilidade moris ne'ebé forte no asesu ba servisu ne'ebé iha-kualidade. Dezafiu hirak-ne'e tomak obriga sira iha sira-nia esforsu atu kontribui ba sira-nia dezenvolvimentu rasik no ba sira-nia komunidade enkuantu laiha oportunidade adekuada atu partisipa totalmente iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu tomak. Tenki fó prioridade hodi reforsa joven sira-nia papél iha área dezenvolvimentu sosiál no ekonómiku tomak; ida-ne'e la'os de'it fó benefísiu ba foin-sa'e sira mesak, maibé mós promove sensu komunidade no promove dezenvolvimentu nasionál.

Atu involve juventude sira nia partisipasaun iha atividade sira iha Loron Mundial ba Juventude, UNFPA-TL koordena no kolabora hamutuk ho ajensia ONU sira seluk liu husi hala'o eventu lubuk balu husi loron 8-12 Agusto 2016 iha munisipiu Liquica. Durante seremonia abertura iha loron 8 Agusto, Reprezentante ONU iha Timor-Leste fo apresiasaun katak juventude sira hanesan konsumedores, inovadores, no votantes. Nia sublinha mos kona-ba papel lideransa nebe juventude sira foti hodi kombate kona-ba mudansa klimatika. Nia hateten "Hau konta ho juventude Timor oan sira hotu atu sai hanesan lider ba iha dezenvolvimentu sustentavel." Tuir mai iha loron 10 Agusto, juventude sira idade entre 15-24 anos husi postu administrative 3-Liquica villa, Bazartete no Tibar partisipa iha sorumutu nebe lidera no organiza husi ONU atu hasae konsiensia kona-ba objectivu dezenvolvimentu sustentavel (ODS) numeru 12 no papel juventude sira nian. UNFPA no ajensia ONU sira seluk mos suporta Sekretaria do Estadu ba Juventude no Desportu (SEJD) hodi promove estilu moris nebe saudavel, involvimentu iha vida sivika, no negosiu. Eventu iha loron primeiru lori juventude inovadores sira  no ema nebe halo mudansa iha vida sosial atu fahe sira nia ideas no esperiensia hanesan ajente ba mudansa iha sira nia komunidade ba partisipante sira hotu.  Relasiona ho tema nebe maka iha "Futuru ba 2030: garantia halakon kiak no atinji dezenvolvimentu sustentabel liu husi produsaun no konsumpsaun nebe sustentavel. Topiku sira iha sorumutu sira seluk mos koalia kona-ba oinsa maka juventude sir abele hola parte no lidera ba futuru planeta ida nee, informasaun no teknolojia, biodeversidade, kontrola tabaku no saude reproduktiva foinsae (HIV no MHRS). Atividade ikus liu maka marsa saudavel nebe halao iha loron 12 Agusto. Atu promove benefisiu husi atividade fiziku, liu juventude 100 hola parte iha marsa saudavel hahu iha iha fronteira Ponte Maubara to'o iha sentru juventude Liquica. Depois marsa saudavel, partisipante sira hotu rona diskursu badak husi SR. Celestino da Cunha Barreto (Diretor ba Pescas, Liquica) husi Ministeriu Agrikultura no Pescas. Nia hato'o "obrigada barak ba UNFPA nebe maka organiza eventu ida nee. Eventu ida nee diak tebes, Hanesan hatudu iha ita nia kamizola nebe maka hatais dadaun "Ita nia Planeta, Ita nia Futuru", ida nee signika katak juventude maka futuru nasaun nian - sira tenki conserve planeta ida nee, hodi nunee sustentabilidade ba rekursus naturais mantein nafatin. Buat hirak nee bele atinji bainhira juventude no ema hotu bele kuidadu ambienta hamutuk hahu agora kedas". Iha fatin hanesan, iha mos intervista badak ho juventude sira balu: Ofelia  B.Pereira dos Santos (Feto, 19 anos, terseira ano. ESG Nu. 1 Liquica)." Hau hakarak atu sai dotor. Hau sente orgulhu hola parta iha eventu Loron Internasional ba Juventude. Iha eventu kompetisaun barak hanesan futebol, volebal, no jinastika. No hau nia eskola mos hola parte iha kompetisaun no ami hetan primeiru no segundu lugar. Hau gosta tebes eventu hanesan nee tamba ida nee hanesan hafanu ami juventude sira atu nunee ai bele servisu no hadia ami nia moris ba futuru. Depois remata eskola sekundaria hau sei tuir kursu ba tinan no depois maka foin rejista ba universidade. Hau nia mensajem ba maluk juventude sira: ita hotu tenki tenki kontinua eventu sira hanesan nee hanesan prosesu ida prepara it aba futuru nebe diak no susesu. No ba governu maka kontinua atu suporta ami no fo hanoin nafatin mai atu kona-ba ami nia responsabilidade no tenki enkoraja ami atu kontribuia ba hadia ami nia futuru. Tuir mai,  Tuir mai, Faustino R de Jesus ( tinan 18, Segundu ano, Eskola IMS Tibar) hateten " Hau hakarak sai mestre tamba ita sei menus numeru mestre. Eventu ida nee diak tebes. Ida nee bele ajuda ami juventude sira prevene aan husi hahalok ladiak iha tempu pasadu. Ba hau nia maluk juventude sira ita tenki prevene ita nia aan husi hahalok hemu tua tamba bele estraga ita. Ita nia tempu agora para estuda deit. No ba governu favor suporta ekipamentus desportu ba eskola sira liu-liu ba hau nia eskola. No ikus liu ho alin Juliano D.S.da Costa (19 anos, terseiu ano iha ESG Nu. 1 Liquica): "Hau hakarak sai military. Hau kontente tebes hola parte iha atividade ida nee tamba lori ami jovem sira mai hamutuk hodi nunee ami bele hahlu servisu kona-ba ami nia dezenvolvimentu pesoal. Hanesan juventude, ami nia papel maka estuda agora dadaun. Hau nia mensajem ba maluk juventude sira katak ita tenki servisu hamutuk ba futuru nasaun nian nebe diak. Ita tenki fiar ba malu atu nunee ita bele atinji ita nia mehi no sai hanesan modelu ba juventude sira seluk. Ba governu, favor kontinua programa hirak hanesan nee maibe iha futuru presiza halo iha fatin nebe boot atu nunee ema hotu bele partisipa. Depois atividade marsa saudavel tuir kedas ho fahe prezente ba labarak sira nebe maka manan iha kompetisaun halai karong no lori berlindos. No iha tempo lorokraik tuir kedas ho seremonia enseramentu nebe maka taka husi Sekretariu do Estado ba Juventude no Desporto, S.E. Sr. Leovigildo Hornay no tuir kedas fahe premiu ba manan sira sira husi kompetisaun desportu nian ba estudantes sira. Atividade kampanya limpeza jeral iha tasi ibun Liquiza hanesan parte hasae konsiensia ba importansia proteksaun ambiente hadia fali ba loron seluk.