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UNFPA provides simulation equipment to all midwifery schools in Timor-Leste to improve skills in safe delivery

UNFPA provides simulation equipment to all midwifery schools in Timor-Leste to improve skills in safe delivery


UNFPA provides simulation equipment to all midwifery schools in Timor-Leste to improve skills in safe delivery

calendar_today 26 January 2024

.A group photo of Minister of Higher Education, UNFPA Country Representative and representative of Midwifery schools

UNFPA provides simulation equipment to all midwifery schools in Timor-Leste to improve skills in safe delivery

January 26, 2024 - The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) handed over simulation equipments “Mama Birthie” and “Mama Natalie” to all midwifery schools in Timor-Leste. The handover ceremony took place at the National University of Timor-Leste in Dili. During the opening, Pressia Arifin-Cabo, the UNFPA Country Representative in Timor-Leste, emphasized the significant role of midwifery schools in reducing maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in the country.

“Midwives and people with midwifery skills are the main caregivers for women and their newborns during pregnancy, labour, childbirth and in the post-delivery period. Yet they do not just deliver babies: Well-trained midwives can provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services, and play a critical role in promoting health within their communities,” said Pressia Arifin-Cabo, during the handover. 

As per the findings of the 2016 Demographic Health Survey, the maternal mortality rate in Timor-Leste is at 195 per 100,000 live births, while infant mortality rate is at 30 per 1,000 live births. Ensuring that midwives are well-trained and have adequate skills to attend especially to complications during birth, are key in bringing down these indicators. 

The Vice-Rector of Administration and Finance Affairs of the National University of Timor-Lorosa’e Professor Hélio Augusto da Costa Xavier Marquei, on behalf of three midwifery schools, expressed his gratitude to UNFPA for its consistent support to improving midwifery education and training: "We extend our heartfelt appreciation to UNFPA for the ongoing support provided to our three midwifery schools. We are thankful for not only today's contribution but also for their support in the previous years, including the training of our teachers and provision of essential equipment. With your unwavering support, we are able to cultivate highly skilled midwives for our nation." 

The Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Culture, José Honório da Costa Pereira Jerónimo, expressed during his speech that the IX Constitutional Government will maintain collaboration with partners, primarily with UNFPA, to enhance the standards of midwifery schools in Timor-Leste in alignment with the objectives outlined in the National Strategic Plan for 2030. "The government, under my leadership, extends gratitude to UNFPA for their generous support, which complements our government's efforts. The IX government remains steadfast in its commitment to elevating the quality of higher education throughout the nation," stated Minister Jerónimo. 

UNFPA is committed to improving midwifery education in Timor-Leste through curriculum development, skills training, providing basic equipment, medical and non-medical supplies to midwifery skills laboratory,  as well as supporting the National Midwifery Association. 




UNFPA entrega ekipamentu simulasaun ba Eskola Parteira hotu-hotu iha Timor-Leste hodi hasa’e abilidade iha partus seguru

26 Janeiru 2024, Fundus Nasoes Unidas ba Populasaun (UNFPA) entrega ekipamentu simulasaun “Mama Birthie” no “Mama Natalie” ba eskola superior parteira hotu-hotu iha Timor-Leste. Seremónia entrega ne’e hala’o iha Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa’e iha Díli. Durante abertura Reprezentante UNFPA iha Timor-Leste Pressia Arifin-Cabo, reforsa papél inportante husi eskola parteira sira ba redusaun morbilidade no mortalidade inan ho oan iha Timor-Leste.

“Parteira no ema hó abilidade fó partu, sira hotu kuidador prinsipál ba inan sira ho sira nia bebé foin moris, durante isin-rua, partu no depois de periodu Partu. No entantu sira la’os deit fó partu: Parteira ne’ebé treinadu diak bele forñese informasaun no servisus kompriénsivu kona-ba saúde seksuál no reprodutiva  no hola papél inportante tebes ba promosaun saúde iha sira nia komunidade nia leet,” Hateten Pressia Arifin Cabo.

Bazeia ba dadus peskiza Saúde Demográfiku 2016, Taxa mortalidade materna iha Timor-Leste 195/100.000 (katak Inan 195 sempre mate husi inan 100.000 ne’ebé partu), enkuantu mortalidade infantíl 30/1000 (Katak bebé 30 sempre mate husi bebe 1000 ne’ebé moris). Asegura katak parteira sira treinadu ho diak, iha abilidade ne’ebé adekuadu hodi atende inan sira espesialmente ba iha komplikasaun sira durante partu, maka xave hodi hatún indikadór sira ne’e.

Vise-Reitór Asuntu Administrasaun no Finansa-UNTL, Professor Hélio Augusto da Costa Xavier Marquei,lori eskola superior parteira tolu nia naran, hato’o agradesimentu ba UNFPA ba apoiu ne’ebé konsistente hodi hadia edukasaun parteira no treinamentu: “Ami hato’o ami nia apresiasaun profundu ba UNFPA ba apoiu ne’ebé forñese ba ami nia eskola parteira tolu. Ami agradese la’os deit ba apoiu ohin iha ne’e, maibe ba apoiu hotu ne’ebé ami simu iha tinan liuba, inklui treinamentu ba ami nia professor sira no forñesimentu ekipamentu esensiál sira. Ho ita-boot sira nia apoiu ne’ebé firmi, ami bele forma no prepara parteira ho alta kompetente ba ami nia nasaun”.

Ministru Ensinu Superior Siénsia no Kultura, José Honório da Costa Pereira Jerónimo, durante diskursu hateten IX Governu konstitusionál  kontinua mantein kooperasaun ho parseiru sira, prinsipalmente ho UNFPA , hodi hametin padraun  ba eskola parteira sira iha Timor-Leste aliña ho objetivu sira ne’ebe hatur ona iha Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál. “Governu liuhosi Ministériu ne’ebé hau lidera , agradese ba UNFPA ba sira nia apoiu jenerozu, apoiu sira ne'e komplementa governu nia esforsu. IX Governu Konstitusionál nafatin komprometidu iha nia komtimentu hodi eleva kualidade ensinu superior iha nasaun ida ne’e.

UNFPA iha kompromisu nafatin atu hadia eskola parteira iha Timor-Leste liuhosi dezenvolve kurikulum, formasaun no forñese ekipamentu báziku, materiál médiku e non-médiku ba laboratórium eskola parteira no mós apoiu ba Asosiasaun Parteira Nasionál.