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UN-KOICA 'Together for Equality' Programme discusses with RAEOA's new President and partners to strengthen collaboration

UN-KOICA 'Together for Equality' Programme discusses with RAEOA's new President and partners to strengthen collaboration


UN-KOICA 'Together for Equality' Programme discusses with RAEOA's new President and partners to strengthen collaboration

calendar_today 21 March 2024


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UN-KOICA 'Together for Equality' Programme discusses with RAEOA's new President and partners to strengthen collaboration

RAEOA, 19 March 2024: The KOICA-funded UN joint programme 'Together for Equality' (T4E), comprising technical teams from UN Women, IOM, UNDP, and UNFPA, is currently conducting a joint monitoring visit in RAEOA. The mission team is meeting with Mr. Rogério Tiago Lobato, the new President of RAEOA, and his team, visiting project sites to observe activities, and engaging with beneficiaries and programme partners.   

The meeting with Mr. Lobato aims to understand RAEOA's priority areas for 2024, share the results and ongoing initiatives of T4E, explore collaboration opportunities for the coming year, and discuss a sustainability action plan, considering that this is the last year of the program. RAEOA is one of the four targeted municipalities under T4E, along with Baucau, Covalima, and Dili. The discussions with RAEOA's leadership are providing valuable insights for the T4E team to align their efforts with RAEOA's priorities, particularly in preventing and responding to Gender-Based Violence.

During the visit, the mission team is observing activities and meeting with implementing partners, including UN Women's partner Maneo, and Ba Futuru, who are working to roll out the Voice Against Violence training to community members, including youth, local leaders, religious leaders, and LGBTIQ community members. IOM's partner CVTL, is providing livelihood training to women's groups and Sucos Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) as well to establish SDMC structure in 5 sucos, while UNDP's partner ALFela, is involved in providing legal aid services that are directly focused on supporting GBV survivors and their cases. UNFPA's partner, the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Art, and Culture, is working to capacitate youth on sexual reproductive health and rights through the Healthy Relationships program facilitated by youth facilitators. During these engagements, the team observes progress, discusses implementation challenges, and listens to recommendations and support needed from the partners.

"Our objective is to assess the progress and challenges within the T4E joint initiatives in RAEOA. Subsequent to this visit, we aim to bolster collaboration and coordination regarding GBV initiatives, and alignment with RAEOA’s 2024 priorities," said Nuntana Tangwinit as the lead mission and the T4E Programme Manager

Since the start of its implementation in November 2020 up to date, the T4E programme has engaged with 18 of government institutions, 29 CSOs and reached over 63,463 direct beneficiaries and 317,315 indirect beneficiaries, including 7, 207 (3,506 women, 2,819  men,  418 girls and 464 boys, Person with Disabilities and LGBTIQ member) from REAOA. The initiative complements the government’s efforts to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, as outlined in the National Action Plan on GBV led by the Secretary of State for Equality. Through 7 specific interventions, it aims to reduce violence against women and girls, improve access to quality essential services, enhance coordination among NAP-GBV line ministries, and contribute to RAEOA's priorities in human development, quality of life, and public infrastructure development.

Joining the UN team on the mission to RAEOA is Mr. Kwangsoo An, Deputy Country Director of KOICA. His presence allows for direct observation and insights into the progress and challenges of the implementation in the field. KOICA's team, as the donor partner, has been consistently active in participating in the project's field visits

KOICA’s Deputy Country Director Mr. Kwangsoo An, in his remark stated, “Participating in the field visit is crucial for KOICA because it enables us to directly witness the impact of our support and comprehend the challenges faced on the ground.” Since the country’s independence in May 2002, the Korean Government, through KOICA Timor-Leste, has been one of Timor-Leste's longstanding partners, supporting development in various sectors.

Welcoming the T4E delegation in RAEOA, the newly appointed president Mr. Lobato affirms the commitment of the RAEOA administration to uphold the continuous collaboration to prevent and respond to Gender-based Violence, I see the T4E project as a valuable partner in complementing our development priorities in RAEOA. Under my leadership, I believe the project can be supported by enhancing prevention strategies for Gender-Based Violence and improving essential services to support GBV survivors. This collaboration aligns with our vision for a safer and more inclusive community in RAEOA.

The T4E project is committed to ongoing collaboration with RAEOA, complementing national and local government efforts to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. Our goal is to ensure universal access to rights and promote equal enjoyment of those rights for all.


About Together for Equality Programme

Together for Equality (Hamutuk ba Igualdade): Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence in Timor-Leste is jointly implemented by four UN agencies (IOM, UNDP, UNFPA and Women) in collaboration with the Secretary of State for Equality, through the generous funding of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in Timor-Leste. The 4 year programme that is implemented from November 2020-November 2024 is aim to: 

  1. Transformed attitudes, behaviours and social norms promoted at individual and inter-personal levels to prevent GBV
  2. Improved access to essential public services (health, justice and social services) for women and girls, among other survivors of violence, informed by evidence-based responses to GBV.
  3. Enhanced legislation and policy environment for eliminating violence against women and girls and other forms of gender discrimination, is in place and translated into action.



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Programa Konjuntu ONU-KOICA ‘Hamutuk ba Igualdade’ Halo Diskusaun ho Presidente Foun RAEOA no Parseiru Sira atu Haforsa Kolaborasaun

RAEOA, 19 Marsu 2024: Programa konjuntu ‘Hamutuk ba Igualdade’ kompostu husi ekipa tékniku UNFPA, UN Women, IOM, no UNDP hala’o vizita monitorizasaun konjuntu iha RAEOA. Ekipa ba misaun ne’e hala’o sorumutuk ho Presidente RAEOA foun, Sr. Rogério Tiago Lobato no nia ekipa, vizita projeitu sira iha terenu hodi observa atividade sira, no halo diskusaun ho benefisiáriu no parseiru implementador sira.

Sorumutuk ho Sr. Prezidente ho nia objetivu atu kompriende liután RAEOA nia área prioridade sira ba tinan 2024, fahe kona-ba rezultadu no atividade programa nian ne’ebé la’o hela, esplora oportunidade ba kolaborasaun iha tinan oin mai, no diskute planu asaun ne’ebé sustentavel tamba programa ne’e sei remata iha tinan ida ne’e. RAEOA hanesan munisípu tarjetu 1 husi munisípiu 4 inklui Baucau, Covalima no Díli ba iha programa ‘Hamutuk ba Igualdade.’ Diskusaun ho RAEOA nia lideransa sira fó idea sira klean ba ekipa programa nian hodi aliña ho programa nia esforsu ho RAEOA nia prioridade sira, partikularmente hodi prevene no responde ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru (VBJ).

Durante iha vizita, ekipa ba misaun ne’e observa atividade sira no hala’o sorumutuk ho parseiru implementador sira, inklui UN Women nia parseiru Maneo no Ba Futuru ne’ebé implementa formasaun kona ba Lian Hasoru Violénsia ba Komunidade, inklui foin sa’e, líder komunitária no relijiozu sira no membru komunidade LGBTIQ sira. IOM nia parseiru CVTL ne’ebé fo formasaun ba grupu feto no Komisaun Jere Dezastre iha Suku (SDMC) sira kona ba oinsa atu buka moris no mos estabelese estrutura SDMC iha suku 5, enkuantu UNDP nia parseiru ALFELA involve iha fo asistensia legal ne’ebé foka ba suporta sobrevivente VBJ no sira nia keixa. UNFPA nia parseiru MinistériU Juventude, Desportu, Arte no Kultura servisu hodi kapasita foin sa’e sira kona ba saúde no direitu reprodutiva seksuál liuhusi programa halo relasaun ho respeitu ne’ebé fasilita husi fasilitador foin sa’e sira. Durante iha sorumutuk sira ne’e, ekipa observa progresu sira no dezafiu sira ba implementasaun no rona rekomendasaun no suporta sira ne’ebé presiZa husi parseiru sira.  

"Ami nia misaun ne’e atu avalia progresu no dezafiu sira iha programa nia inisiativa konjuntu iha RAEOA. Depoisde vizita ne’e, ami hakarak haforsa liutan kolaborasaun no koordenasaun sira relasiona ho inisiativa ba hapara VBJ no aliña planu sira ho RAEOA nia prioridade sira ba tinan 2024,” haktuir Sra. Nuntana Tangwinit ne’ebé lidera misaun ba vizita ne’e no hanesan mós jerente ba programa ‘Hamutuk ba Igualdade.’

Dezde hahú implementasaun iha Novembru 2020 to’o agora, programa ne’e involve ona instituisaun governu 18, organizasaun sosiedade sivíl 29 no atinji ona benefisiáriu direita na’in 63,463 no indireita na’in 317,315, inklui ema ho difisiénsia no komunidade LGBTIQ hamutuk na’in 7, 207 (feto 3,506, mane 2,819, labarik feto 418 no mane 464 iha RAEOA). Inisiativa ne’e komplementa governu nia esforsu sira ba prevene no responde ba VBJ, hanesan subliña ona iha Planu Asaun Nasionál VBJ ne’ebé lidera husi Sekretária Estadu ba Igualdade (SEI). Liuhusi intervensaun espesífiku 7. Programa ne’e nia objetivu mak atu hamenus violénsia hasoru feto no labarik feto sira, hadiak asesu ba atendimentu esensiál sira, hasa’e koordenasaun entre liña ministériu sira, no kontribui ba RAEOA nia prioridade sira ba dezemvolvimentu umanu, kualidade moris no dezemvolvimentu infrastutura públiku sira.   

Involve mós iha ekipa misaun ba RAEOA ne’e mak Sr. Kwansoo An, vise diretor nasionál KOICA iha Timor-Leste. Nia prezensa atu observa no kompriende direita kona ba progresu no dezafiu sira husi implementasaun iha baze. KOICA nia ekipa ,hanesan parseiru doador ativa tebes hodi partisipa iha programa nia vizita sira iha baze.

Vise diretór Sr. Kwangsoo An, hatete iha nia abertura, “partisipa iha vizita ba terenu sira importante tebes tamba ami bele hare direita impaktu husi ami nia suporta sira no kompriende kona ba dezafiu sira ne’ebé hasoru iha baze. Dezde Timor-Leste nia ukun an iha tinan 2002, Governu Korea liuhusi KOICA sai ona Timor-Leste nia parseiru diak ida hodi suporta dezemvolvimentu iha seitór oioin.

Simu delegasaun ne’e iha RAEOA, prezidente foun Sr. Rogério Tiago Lobato afirma kompromisu husi administrasaun RAEOA atu suporta kontinuasaun ba kolaborasaun hodi prevene no responde ba violénsia bazeia ba jéneru, “Hau konsidera programa ‘Hamutuk ba Igualdade’ hanesan psrseiru ida ne’ebé iha valor hodi komplementa ami nia prioridade sira ba dezemvolvimentu iha RAEOA. Iha hau nia lideransa, hau fiar katak projeitu ne’e bele suporta hadi’ak estretéjia prevensaun ba violénsia bazeia ba jéneru no hadia’k servisu esensiál sira hodi suporta sobrevivente sira. Kolaborasaun ne’e aliña ho ami nia vizaun ba komunidade RAEOA ida ne’ebé seguru no inkluzivu liu.”

Programa ne’e kompremitidu ba kolaborasaun ne’ebé la’o hela ho RAEOA, komplementa esforsu governu nasionál no lokál sira nia esforsu ba prevene no responde ba VBJ. Programa ne’e nia mehi mak atu asegura katak asesu universal ba direitu no promove espasu ba ema hotu atu goza sira nia vida hanesan.


Relasiona ho Projetu Hamutuk ba Igualdade (Together for Equality) 


Hamutuk ba Igualdade ka Together for Equality: Prevene no Responde ba VBJ iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé implementa hamutuk husi ajénsia ONU haat (IOM, UNDP, UNFPA no UN Women) iha kolaborasaun ho Sekretária Estadu ba Igualdade, liuhusi finansiamentu jenerozu Ajénsia Kooperasaun Internasionál Korea (KOICA) iha Timor-Leste. Programa ne’e ho objetivu atu: 

  1. Prevene VBJ, partikularmente asédiu seksuál no forma sira seluk husi violénsia kontra feto no labarik-feto sira, antes akontese ou antes akontese fali tan. 
  2. Empodera sobrevivente VBJ sira, espesialmente feto no labarik-feto sira hodi rekupera no dezenvolve fali sira-nia moris liuhusi hadi’a asesu ba servisu multi setoriál no espasu públiku.  
  3. Hala’o implementasaun, monitorizasaun no adekua rekursus ba lei no polítika sira ne’ebé responde ba violénsia kontra feto labarik-feto sira (VKFLF) iha espasu públiku, iha kontekstu hamenus risku dezastre no promove igualdade jéneru bot liu tan.