Dili, 27 May 2016 -The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Timor-Leste signed an implementing partner agreement with Alola Foundation on Maternal and Child Health at Alola Foundation Office, Caicoli-Dili.
This partnership is aimed to create enabling environment and to improve individual and family knowledge, practices and demand for services as well as community support. The key areas will be on safe motherhood, family planning, prevention of Gender Based Violence and behavior change communication to pregnant mothers, families, and the community for birth with skilled attendance (birth preparedness).
Mr. John M. Pile, UNFPA Representative to Timor-Leste in his brief remark stated that "As always UNFPA is actually much honored to be able to work with Alola andwe just wish if we could do more in terms of more resources more activities. Alola is an excellent organization which has done an outstanding work, a very important work for Timor-Leste. When I go back I will always remember that "yes I used to work with Alola. Again it is a privilege for us UNFPA and myself to work with them."

At the same time, Mrs. Alzira Belo, CEO's Alola Foundation gave her brief remark that "it is a privilege for Alola Foundation because UNFPA has put confidence on us and it is a good result from previous activity so it is hoped that our partnership will produce fruitful result and we can succeed and have more improvement on the child and women area where we work on."
A group photo of UNFPA and Alola Foundation was taken before ending the ceremony.
Tetum Version
Seremomia Asina Agrementu Parseirus Implementador entre Fundus Nasoens Unidas ba Populasaun (UNFPA) no Fundasaun Alola kona-ba Programa Saude Inan no Oan (SMI)
Dili, 27 Maiu 2016 - Fundus Nasoens Unidas ba Populasaun (UNFPA) iha Timor-Leste asina agrementu parseria ho Fundasaun Alola kona-ba programa Saude Inan no Oan iha eskritoriu Fundasaun Alola, Caicoli-Dili.
Parseria ida nee ho objektivu atu kria ambiente ida nebe maka favorable no atu hadia kunhesimentu individu no familia, pratika no buka ba kuidadus saude no suporta komunidade. Area xave hirak maka foka ba maternidade seguru, planeamentu familiar, prevensaun violensia bazea ba jeneru no komunikasaun mudansa hahalok ba inan-isin rua sira, familia sira, komunidade hodi ba partus ho ajuda husi pesoal saude nebe treinadu (planu partu).
Mr. John M. Pile Reprezentante UNFPA iha Timor-Leste hato'o liafuan badak katak "UNFPA sempre iha priveligiu servisu hamutuk ho Alola and ami desejo karik ami bele halo buat barak liu tan em termus iha rekursus no atividade sira. Alola maka organizasaun exelente ida ne'ebe halo servisu diak tebes, servisu ida importante tebes ba Timor-Leste. Bainhira hau fila ba hau nia rain hau sei sempre hanoin katak sim hau uluk servisu ho Alola. Dalai da tan ida ne'e priveligiu ba ami UNFPA no hau rasik bele servisu hamutuk ho sira."
Iha fatin hanesan, Sra. Alzira Belo, CEO's Fundasaun Alola hato'to nia liafuan barak "ida ne'e priveligiu ba Fundasaun Alola tamba UNFPA fo konfiansa ba ami no ida ne'e diak tebes husi atividade antes ne'ebe maka iha ne'e duni espera katak parseria ida ne'e bele produz rezultadu ne'ebe produtivu no ita bele susesu no bele hadia buat barasak iha area saude no inan ne'ebe maka ami servisu ba."
Antes remata, hasai foto hamutuk entre UNFPA no Fundasaun Alola.