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#ForHerWithHer: UNFPA Timor-Leste Leads Efforts to Combat Gender-Based Violence on International Women's Day 2024

#ForHerWithHer: UNFPA Timor-Leste Leads Efforts to Combat Gender-Based Violence on International Women's Day 2024


#ForHerWithHer: UNFPA Timor-Leste Leads Efforts to Combat Gender-Based Violence on International Women's Day 2024

calendar_today 08 March 2024


#ForHerWithHer: UNFPA Timor-Leste Leads Efforts to Combat Gender-Based Violence on International Women's Day 2024

Dili, Timor-Leste - March 8, 2024 - As the world celebrates International Women's Day (IWD) 2024 under the theme "Count Her In: Invest in Women. Timor-Leste accelerate Progress in Health sectors Response to Gender-based Violence, and reaffirms its commitment to promoting gender equality and combating Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the country.

UNFPA supports sexual and reproductive health, gender equality, and the empowerment of women, and plays an important role in addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by women and girls in the country. In alignment with this mandate, this year's IWD celebration focuses on raising awareness about the pervasive issue of GBV and its impact on women's health.

The backdrop of this celebration sheds light on the concerning statistics revealed by the 2016 Timor-Leste Demographic Health Survey, indicating that one third (33%) of women aged 15-49 have experienced physical and sexual violence from their intimate partners. In response to these alarming numbers, UNFPA Timor-Leste is supporting the efforts to advocate for stronger responses within the health sector and increase investment in women's health.

The activities of International Women's Day celebrations aims to promote gender equality, empower women, and accelerate progress by addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and advocating for strengthening GBV response in the health system and integration into education systems. The celebration recognizes the interconnection between women's economic empowerment and GBV.

To achieve the objective, UNFPA Timor-Leste has organized various activities, as part of the IWD2024 national campaign, it entails raising awareness about the impact of gender-based violence on women's health, advocating for improved health sector responses to GBV and establishment and launch of Safe Spaces as dedicated facilities for supporting survivors of gender-based violence, and enhancing community engagement in addressing gender-based violence through targeted awareness and prevention. These activities aim to foster collaboration, share best practices, and empower communities to actively combat GBV.

The anticipated outcomes of these initiatives include increased awareness of the impact of gender-based violence on women's health, enhanced collaboration among stakeholders in the health sector, improved community engagement in addressing and preventing gender-based violence.

As UNFPA Timor-Leste commemorates International Women's Day, it calls upon all stakeholders to join hands in Counting Her In, Investing in Women, and truly Accelerating Progress towards gender equality and the empowerment of women #ForHerWithHer. Through collective efforts, UNFPA Timor-Leste remains steadfast in its commitment to fulfilling its mandate and creating a society where every woman and girl can live a life of dignity, free from violence and discrimination.



#BaNiaHoNia: UNFPA Timor-Leste lidera esforsu sira atu kombate Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru iha Loron Internasionál Feto 2024.

Dili,Timor-Leste, 08 Marsu 2024- Enkauntu mundu tomak selebra Loron Internasionál 2024 ho nia tema: Konta ho nia: Investe iha Feto. Timor-Leste aselera progresu iha Setór Saúde nia Resposta ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru, no reafirma nia kompromisu ba promosaun iguldade jéneru no kombate Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru iha nasaun ida ne’e.

UNFPA suporta saúde seksuál no reprodutiva, igualdade jéneru, no empoderamentu feto, no hola papél inportante hodi hatan ba dezafiu kompleksu sira hasoru hosi feto no labarik feto sira iha Timor-Leste. Ho Aliñamentu ho mandatu ida ne’e, selebrasaun ba Loron Internasionál Feto ba tinan ida ne’e foku kona-ba hasa’e konsiénsia kona-ba asuntu universál husi VBJ no nia impaktu ba feto nia saúde.

Anbiente ba selebrasaun ida ne’e atu lansa naroman kona-ba preokupasaun estatístika ne’ebé relata iha Peskiza Demográfiku Saúde Timor-Leste 2016 ne’ebé hatudu katak ida hosi tolu ka 33% hosi feto ho idade15-49 esperiénsia ona violénsia fíziku no violénsia seksuál husi sira nia parseiru íntimu. Hodi responde ba númeru alarmante sira ne’e, UNFPA Timor-Leste dadauk ne’e apoiu esforsu sira ba advokasia ba resposta ida forte iha setór saúde nia laran no hasa’e investimentu ba feto nia saúde

Atividade sira ba selebrasaun Loron Internasionál Feto ba tinan ida ne’e ho objetivu atu promove igualdade jéneru, empodera feto, no aselera progresu liuhosi aborda Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru (VBJ) no advokasia hodi hametin resposta VBJ iha Sistema saúde  no integrasaun ba iha sistema edukasaun. Selebrasaun ida ne’e rekoñese interkoneksaun entre empoderamentu feto iha ekonomia no VBJ.

Atu atinji objetivu, UNFPA Timor-Leste organiza ona atividade sira oi-oin, nu’udár parte husi kampaña Loron Internasionál Feto 2024. Ida ne’e envolve hasa’e koñesimentu  kona-ba impaktu husi VBJ no estabelesimentu no Lansa Fatin Seguru hanesan fasilidade sira dedikadu hodi apoiu sobrevivente hosi Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru, no hadia komunidade nia envolvimentu iha abordagen Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru liuhosi tarjetu ba konsiensilizasaun no prevensaun. Atividade sira ne’e ho objetivu atu dudu kolaborasaun, fahe prátika diak sira no empodera komunidade hodi ativamente kombate VBJ.

Rezultadu hein hosi inisiativa ida ne’e maka inklui hasa’e konsensializasaun hosi Impaktu Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru ba feto nia saúde, hametin kolaborasaun entre parte interesada sira iha setór saúde, hadia envolvimentu komunidade iha abordagen no prevensaun Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru no.

Hó  komemorasaun Loron Internasionál Feto, UNFPA Timor-Leste husu ba parte interassada hotu-hotu atu tau liman hamutuk hodi Konta Ho Nia, Investe Ba Feto, no verdadeiramente aselera progresu hasoru iguldade jéneru no empoderamentu ba feto #BaNiaHoNia. Liuhosi esforsu koletivu sira, UNFPA Timor-Leste firmi nafatin iha nia kompromisu hodi kumpri nia mandatu no harii sosiedade ida iha ne’ebé feto no labarik feto hotu-hotu bele moris, moris ida ho dignidade, livre hosi violénsia no diskriminasaun.