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The first Medical Forensic Protocol graduation from National Institute of Health (INS)

The first Medical Forensic Protocol graduation from National Institute of Health (INS)


The first Medical Forensic Protocol graduation from National Institute of Health (INS)

calendar_today 23 April 2012

April 3rd, 2012, was a landmark date for local NGO PRADET.  This date marked the first official graduation ceremony held by Instituto Nacional de Saúde for graduates of PRADET's training on the use of the Medical Forensic Protocol. This training is currently being used to document physical injuries sustained in cases of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse.

The Medical Forensic Protocol was formally accredited by the Government in July 2010 marking official recognition and endorsement of the essential services PRADET provide.  20 midwives and doctors graduated from INS during this first round of training.  Midwife Luisa Marcal explained the importance of this ceremony saying that "now, we have more responsibility, skills and confidence to carry out our work documenting forensic injuries."

 The Protocol has been developed through collaboration with PRADET's International Mentor, Australian social worker Ms. Susan Kendall, and forensic expert, Dr. Margaret Gibbons, and local PRADET staff.  The program trains professional health workers to perform medical forensic examination of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse, so they can document injuries and provide evidence for possible presentation in Court at a later date. The protocol is followed as part of PRADET's ‘Fatin Hakmatek' (safe place) service. PRADET's Acting Director, Manuel Mr. Santos said that "we feel proud because PRADET is a local organization, but we can make a very important contribution to the government and Ministry of Health to train professional health workers to increase their forensic examination skills."

PRADET currently receive referrals from all over the country and are hoping to expand these services to at least 2 other districts; Suai and Maliana, next year provided they receive continued Government and donor support. According to Manuel dos Santos, the Government accreditation of PRADET's medical forensic training is an important step forward in the continuation and sustainability of this service in the future, so that vulnerable people will continue to have access to essential services.  UNFPA, AusAid Justice Facility and the Spanish Cooperation through the MDG Achievement Fund for Gender currently provide support to PRADET to run its Fatin Hakmatek services.

Various representatives from the Ministry of Health, the Office of the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality, (SEPI), the Timor-Leste Police Development Programme (TLPDP), UN agencies such as UNFPA and WHO and the Australian Embassy attended the graduation ceremony and praise was given to PRADET for their work and dedication to the people of Timor-Leste throughout the past 10 years.  PRADET's Acting Director, Manuel dos Santos, said "this graduation ceremony has been a dream since 2004. The dream has finally been realized and it is a very proud moment for PRADET."