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Background and Scope of Work:

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EmONC training package developed in 2017 and finalized in 2018. The training package has been used to conduct 1 batch of ToT and 3 batches of EmONC standardize training. The file in word is difficult to print as most of the times the file is an-organized and it is not reading friendly for both the participants and the trainers. Hence it is important to lay out and may handed over to National Institute for Health (INS) to facilitate more training in the future. And the document can be used by other institutions and organizations that support INS to conduct EmONC training.


Since the establishment of Maternal Death Surveillance and Response (MDSR) in Timor-Leste, there have been 2 annual reports available. The report is shared in SIS report, but it was not in right and appropriate format.


Following long process of its development, the GBV guideline for health sector response has been approved by General Director of Service Delivery in December 2018. The document will be handed over to MoH but it is not in the right and appropriate format.


The FP facility audit report from 2015 up to 2018 need to be lay out in right and appropriate format.

The standard of care and clinical practice were lay out but there were additional important information and additional Tetun revision that needs to be updated in the lay out document.

The consultant will carry out work started from 11th March-10th May 2019